Farewell To GB Ramlee Ambu
2014 - 2018
Farewell to ex headmaster of SK Naradan Ranau, Mr Ramlee Ambu whose done a great job for SK Naradan in 4 years and it was a big loss for the staff of SK Naradan for his transferred to SK Kauluan Ranau. Four tremendous years was a great success for the achievement for the school in term of academic and sports. The increases of the UPSR result from 2014-2017 can never forgotten by the teachers, parents, pupils and the communities from all over Kg Nawanon, Pugi, Kieyep, Gunsapou and Kantas. The extraordinary achievement from sports whereas the best achievement coming from the Volleyball and football. Eva Grace Rizan reached the highest achievement by presenting Sabah for National tournament in Pahang in 2014 for volleyball tournament. Arson Maidin presenting for Ranau in State football tournament at Kota Kinabalu. All this best achievement was a non-stop guidance from our ex headmaster GB Ramlee.
For a short overview of our ex headmaster GB Ramlee, he was the best headmaster since he was at SK Kuala Penyu and granted as the "Excellent Headmaster" from the PPD at Kuala Penyu. He was strict forward person and was my second Headmaster afer Mr Paiman Galimbu.
GB Ramlee with his hardcore fans |
Last Posting with the Parents Teachers Association |
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